(Oncorhynchus bodacicus giganticus)

Reservation Rates and Information

Rates are based on the number of days FIN is used — $400 for the first day, and $350 for each additional day. These rates do not apply to days used for travel (pick up/drop off) or other non-use times. Reserving parties are responsible for providing their own truck/driver for hauling FIN to and from the events – FIN is a good traveler, however, so hauling is relatively easy!

Docents / Volunteers – must be with FIN at all times when open. An information sheet is available that covers the guidelines and suggestions for best use.

Insurance – the requesting organization is responsible for FIN and any liability that may occur while FIN is in the requesting organization’s care, custody and control.

Trailer – we request that an area be provided where we can store the 25 foot trailer for the period in which FIN is at the location.

Dimensions – Length 25′ (with car 34′), height 13′, width 8′, weight 2,510 lbs.

Reserve FIN

Please contact NOSC to reserve FIN for your event — make sure to call early, as FIN is very popular!

(360) 379-8051 / Maude Richards mrichards@nosc.org

For those with current reservations, click the links below to download pdf copies of trailering and usage instructions.  Please read all of the instructions!

Please share your Event photos of FIN! You can place them on NOSC’s Facebook page!

Inside FIN…

…you will find a beautiful mural depicting watershed habitat and all that may dwell there…

Kids and students can learn about the watershed they live in, and what animals may be dependent on the health of their stream systems…