Dear Supporter,
When I was hired eleven years ago, the Salmon Coalition’s internship program changed the course of my life. It is thanks to our ongoing commitment to this annual internship that I sit here today with a career firmly established in salmon habitat restoration. I am grateful for the opportunities this program afforded me to live and work near the Olympic Mountains, and to trek through the headwaters of our beloved salmon streams and rivers.
The Salmon Coalition's dedication to restoring wild salmon stocks and fostering community stewardship are lofty, and fostering another generation of environmental leaders is some of the most important work we do. An annual partnership with the Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) AmeriCorps program allows us to provide a year-long internship that supports one aspiring young adult in building their environmental career.
Today, I’m asking you to contribute to the sustainability of the internship program at the Salmon Coalition so young adults can build skills in volunteer coordination, education and community engagement, all while getting volunteers out on the streams to help salmon!
In the words of our current WCC AmeriCorps intern:
“Without this program, I truly don’t think I could afford to build a career in this field, with how much experience is required for most “entry level” positions; nor would I have the resources to build career connections and relationships without any background in the outdoors or restoration growing up.” – Lexi Wagor

Your donation is crucial to the sustainability of this program at the Salmon Coalition, and any dollar amount helps. Your support helps build a foundation for tomorrow’s environmental leaders, scientists, and educators. Alumnae have gone on to learn project management skills, to teach environmental education, to work as research scientists for local tribes, and to launch careers at other Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups!
This program truly makes a difference and when you donate today, you will be part of a legacy ~ launching the careers of bright young people!
For those that have joined as members this year or supported us during the Annual Meeting, we are so grateful for your commitment. Thank you for your ongoing support for salmon habitat restoration and for creating a legacy of environmental stewardship for the future.
If year-end giving is in your plans, please help us meet our year-end goal of $25,000 by December 31st and visit this page to donate . Give today so that you can be part of cultivating our next generation of environmental leaders and stewards!
With gratitude,

Sarah Doyle
Program and Partnership Manager
P.S. I’ve expressed my commitment to this program by setting up monthly recurring donations, please join me!
P.P.S. This year, all donations up to $300 can be itemized deductions for 2020! Many people no longer opt to itemize their deductions as they’re generally less than the standard amount, which was increased in 2018. This year however, as part of the CARES act, you can deduct non-itemized, above-the-line, charitable contributions up to $300 on top of the standard deduction. Yet another reason to give! Thank you!
Have you ever wondered what our WCC Americorps intern does? The true answer is a little bit of everything! Lexi, the Salmon Coalition’s current intern, documented the wide variety of work that she’s involved with in just a single work week. Lexi is building critical skills in restoration, collaboration, non-profit management, and community engagement, all while getting volunteers educated and out in the streams helping the salmon!