Volunteer with NOSC on December 7th to plant native trees and shrubs to expand the riparian buffer at Salmon Creek!
December 7th, 10am-12:30pm at Snow Creek Uncas Preserve
After completing the first stage of floodplain and large woody debris work in the summer of 2023, the next stage of this project is working to restore a healthy and diverse riparian forest on the shores of Snow Creek. We will plant native trees and shrubs from 10am-12pm. After planting, we will give a tour of the restoration project from 12-12:30pm.
Refreshments, gloves and tools will be provided.
Parking is very limited, so please try to carpool if you can!
About the site:
During the summer of 2023, NOSC undertook a comprehensive habitat restoration project at the Jefferson Land Trust’s Snow Creek Uncas Preserve. The Land Trust acquired the property in 2015 to conserve the stream and riparian habitat to support salmon recovery.
This reach of the stream was identified as a major source of bank erosion, contributing fine sediments that were being washed downstream. This erosion impacts downstream redds of endangered Hood Canal Summer Chum. As sediment settles into the gravels around salmon eggs, it limits the flow of water across the eggs and restricts their access to dissolved oxygen.
To minimize bank erosion in the project reach, water traveling through the stream needed to be slowed down. This was achieved by installing 39 engineered log jams in order to slow water flow and add stream complexity. Additionally, ¼ mile of side-channels and 1.4 acres of floodplain were created or reconnected, allowing water to spread out and slow down during moderate to high flows.
Interested in learning more about the whys behind restoration work like this? Check out this talk by NOSC’s Project Manager, Kevin Long, on Stage 8 Restoration from the Port Townsend Marine Science Center’s Future of Oceans Lecture Series
While the first phase of the project is complete, the second phase, reforesting the site with a healthy and diverse riparian forest is just beginning. After an initial planting phase last winter, we aim to complete the reforestation this winter by infilling with additional understory and increasing plant density in some areas.
Directions: Google Maps
- From Clallam County – take 101 east to Discovery Bay. Just past the old Disco Bay Outdoor Gear Exchange, turn right on W Uncas Road. Travel about 2 miles, and look for orange vests to park you.
- From Port Townsend/Hwy 20 – take Hwy 20 south to 101. Turn right on Hwy 101 then take a left on W Uncas Road just before the old Dico Bay Outdoor Gear Exchange. Travel about 2 miles and look for orange vests to park you.
- From 104/101 interchange – take 101 west towards Port Angeles, continue into Discovery Bay and take a left on W Uncas Road (the north end) just before the old Dico Bay Outdoor Gear Exchange. Travel about 2 miles and look for orange vests to park you. Please do not approach from the south end of W Uncas Road as there are limited spaces to turn around and parking in only on the south side of the road.
Photo by Jeremy Johnson.